Enter details regarding your donation

  1. Enter details
  2. Confirm
  3. Complete

Enter details and make selections for donating to Kamo-shi, and then click the Confirm button.

Donor InformationRequired

Donation InformationRequired

* Enter your donation amount in JPY.
* Each donation can be from JPY 2,000 up to JPY 9,999,999.
* Contact your credit card company regarding exchange rates and transaction processing dates.

Expiration dateRequired


* Your message will not be published on this site.
* You will not receive a reply from the municipality.
* Your donation will contribute toward restoration from disasters, training, welfare, cultural asset preservation and other problem-solving activities in each municipality. If you want your donation to be used for a specific purpose, please indicate it here. The municipality will utilize your donation according to your request when possible.
